In last three years of operations, wee have grown in knowledge and stature. We have had good and bad experiences in erecting a Bio gas plant as well as organic Fertilizer manufacturing unit.

This all has been a huge learning experience with challenges and rewards equally.

We believe that our capability should not be limited to developing our businesses only. It should go beyond that.

Our expertise should be in alignment with our vision to make the world a better place. We alone cannot be everywhere and do everything. We have to join hands with other entrepreneurs to create more BioGas plants and organic fertilizer manufacturing unit.

We have the capability to carry out such projects on a TURNKEY basis.

We have technocrats who know the technology and science of operations. They will make sure your smooth and hassle free unit works 24 hrs a day without trouble.

We have business experts who can detect opportunities and create them as well through their networks. They will help you sell Biogas as well as fertilizers with handsome business benefits.

We have legal and commercial experts to make you the highest possible profits on projects. They will guide you to take maximum advantages put forward by government of India and the world.

Our project managers will lower your implementation times and give you working systems before specified deadlines.

You can trust our expertise to deliver to you:

  • State of the art Biogas Business
  • A rewarding organic fertilizer business.

Do call on us to help you in the process.