We are Agricultural Technocrats with a zeal for businesses that will make live better. The top management of the company are into diverse businesses and have in depth experience of turning small vision into massive business systems that are sustainable and profitable.

With this venture, we seek to develop a business enterprise that is not only producing output, but consuming waste, thereby serving the nation and the world.

With the countries “Swach Bharat Abhiyaan” or more commonly “ “Clean India Movement” and a global inclination for clean and green energy, we have set up our BIOGAS PLANT, that serves to consume organic biodegradable waste and convert it into usful energy that is clean and will produce lesser carbon footprints on the earth.

Adding to it, our business acumen went a step further.

We recognize that chemical fertilizers are ruining soil, crops and ultimately quality of life. Because we are what we eat. To address this need, we have set up a fertilizer manufacturing unit that will use the output of BioGas plant to produce high quality natural organic fertilizers.

Together we believe we will create and enterprise that will make this world a better place.

VISION: Do business that makes world a better place to be.

  • Create operations that deliver products while taking care of nature.
  • Develop systems that use waste to create best.
  • Make optimum utilization of resources to produce products and gas that spell sustainable business.